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Remote Flying Fish Project Part 12: Flutter Installation on Windows

Flutter logo

Flutter is a framework well supported by Android Studio IDE. So firstly, we need to install Android Studio. You can download the most updated version from the link below.

You will see the page containing a list of downloadables. Select the package with 64-bits (for Win7 and onwards, and if you are still using Windows XP or Vista, check with dxdiag tool)

Android studio Download

After download is complete, click on the installer. An interface will show up. Click Next.

Android Setup screen

Click Next.

Android component selection

Click Next.

Android configuration settings

Click Install.

Android menu folder

Wait until the installation is finished.

Android installing

Click Finish and open Android Studio.

Android install complete

Then, we will need to go to "Configure" (at bottom) -> "plugins"

Welcome screen to Android Studio - start a new project

Then search Flutter and install it right away. Dart will also be installed for you when you click "YES" in the following prompts.

Install Flutter

After installation is done, click "Restart IDE" to enable the plugins.

Flutter- Restart IDE screen

Lastly, you will be able to create a Flutter project with Android Studio now!

Welcome to Android Studio - Start a new Flutter project

But we are not finished because we still need to get the Flutter SDK.

Go to and download the latest .zip file

Unzip to somewhere locally, and go back to Android Studio to configure the path when starting a new flutter project.

Create a new Flutter application

Lastly, just click Next and proceed with other necessary setups for your new Flutter project. That's it!

 Parts in this series


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