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Remote Flying Fish Project Part 10: Flutter Introduction

In recent years, mobile APP has taken a very important seat in the history of technology development. Yet there is a consistent war going on between the two major platforms: Android and iOS. It really troubled a lot of developers who want to develop apps for both platforms.

Image of phone showing IOS and android app development

As a result, frameworks aiming to solve this problem were invented. And one of the most recent, distributed by Google, is called Flutter.

By using Flutter, you can guarantee the UI rendering of both platforms is the same.

By using Flutter, you can also turn your mobile app into a web app.

By using Flutter, most importantly for this series, you can develop fast!

From what you can observe regarding the UI, there is no difference you can tell whether if the app is native or rendered by Flutter.

Screenshots of some Flutter apps

Source at:

In the next chapter, you will learn about how to install and configure Flutter.

 Parts in this series


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