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Mission Responsible Podcast: Mission 3 - Skills


Agents - the bods in ‘D’ Branch believe the recent advances in networks, robotics, VR and haptics mean we could transcend our physical boundaries…so is it time we stopped talking about the Internet of Things and started talking about the Internet of Skills?

To explore how responsible engineering can unlock the future, Agent Clark needs to channel his inner Bond and charm global innovator, serial entrepreneur (and the potentially secret lair owning?) Mischa Dohler. Meanwhile, Agent Somara’s mission is to get to grips (literally) with a shadowy robot hand…

PLUS Greig Cameron from ‘D’ Branch challenges our spies-in-training to invent a gadget to revolutionise how engineers learn new skills

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In this week's Mission

During this week's mission to explore responsible engineering and how it can unlock the Internet of Skills, Dr Simon Clark interviews Mischa Dohler, VP Emerging Technologies at Ericsson, who is working on cutting-edge topics of 6G, and is the man behind the IOS to learn about his research, whilst Dr Shini Somara visits a company in the centre of London developing one of the most advanced teleoperation technologies - Shadow Robot, and talks with Kacper Rozanski and Rich Walker who are advancing robot dexterity.

Shadow Robot

Want to learn more?

For more information on this fascinating subject check out the article - Decoding the Internet of Skills – Long Distance Learning

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