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Mission Responsible Podcast: Mission 2 - Noise


Agents - our sensors have detected that noise pollution is the second most harmful environmental health issue, contributing to thousands of serious illnesses and premature deaths.

To discover how responsible engineering can help us combat noise pollution, Agent Somara must track down the founder of tech startup Mumbli and uncover his plans for saving the planet. Meanwhile, Agent Clark listens carefully while he sneaks into a soundscape modelling lab in the second noisiest city in Europe…

PLUS will it be music to our ears when Greig Cameron from ‘D’ Branch challenges our spies to come up with the ultimate noise-cancelling gadget?

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In this week's Mission

During this week's mission to explore how responsible engineering can help us combat noise pollution, Dr Shini Somara interviews Marion Marincat, Founder and CEO of Mumbli who make hearing wellness a mainstream conversation, whilst Dr Simon Clark visits the UCL Soundscape Modelling lab and talks with Dr Tin Oberman and Andrew Mitchell, whose research is about how sound propagates in urban areas, in buildings, and in rooms, to understand how people perceive and evaluate different kinds of sounds; and how sounds can be controlled, designed, and engineered.

Mission Responsible - Noice - UCL Soundscape Modelling lab

Want to learn more?

For more information on this fascinating subject check out the article - The engineers quietly fixing noise pollution

Or check out the podcast "everyday tech is giving humans a sixth sense" where a blind person is using an innovative Navibelt, which is transforming their life.

Sixth Sense

Other great articles on the subject of noise include:

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Mission Responsible - The Missions:

Mission Responsible: Mission 2 - Noise

Mission Responsible Podcast is an RS DesignSpark Original Series Listen today on Podbean, Spotify, YouTube or Apple Podcasts. #MissionResponsible
