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Badass Engineers Episode 3! Inventor Ruth Amos!
Badass Engineers Episode 3!
Ruth Amos | Inventor | Co-founder of the YouTube channel Kids Invent Stuff
SO EXCITED to have YouTuber, Engineer, Inventor, and all round Badass Engineer Ruth Amos for this episode! With over a MILLION views on YouTube!! She’s also a mother, Young Engineer for Britain, and didn’t take the degree route! How amazing could one person be?!
Next Episode: Badass Engineers, Episode 4 with Yewande Akinola MBE FIET: Principle Engineer, Professor, TV Presenter!
Catch Badass Engineers LIVE, every other Thursday 730pm GMT up until 6th May 2021, on Instagram
About the series
Hi! I’m Shrouk El-Attar and I host BADASS ENGINEERS!
The world has a very specific view of what an engineer looks like and what an engineer does. But, y’all, the engineers I know are nothing like that!
In this 12 part series, I introduce you to some BADASS ENGINEERS in my community, and best of all, they answer YOUR questions!
You can watch the entire series here:
Episode 9 - Professor Danielle George
Episode 10 - Professor Claire Lucas & Fatima Benkhaled
Episode 11 - Dr Nike Folayan & Dr Ollie Folayan!