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FlorianDussopt: Making Faces To Air Quality - Intro
Hello, I'm Florian Dussopt and below I'd like to give you an introduction to the Air Quality Project I'm working on.
Breathe - Making Faces to Air Quality (using a super nose).
Breathe is a friendly air quality display.
It gives a simple and friendly face to powerful (but ugly) electronic technology.
The open-ended nature of the object invites the user to associate it to its own personal environment and usage:
A teddy bear for a kid’s bedroom, a bust or flower pot in the living room, a tree to collect public data.
Ideally, all the components would be contained in the nose. But until the current sensors are miniaturised, I choose to bring the focus on this small nose to be the face of the technology – a bare, gentle informative signal.
The rest of the electronics can disappear backstage along with the cable, the same way we do with power adapters.
Some R&D can be done around the best way to communicate simply the information: colour, pulse, text.
A 4x4 matrix of RGB LED could bring enough power and versatility. The nose can be 3D printed using SLS technology.
The project is not dependant on a specific number of sensors. Nice to detect are: PM2.5, VOC, NO2.