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Need a super quick, make-shift Wi-Fi hotspot? Why not use that LattePanda you have lying around?

Maybe you have access to an Ethernet socket but need some Wi-Fi; or maybe you have a hotel Wi-Fi connection, that you are paying for by the hour, and you want to connect a few devices so that you and your friends get your money's worth. Whatever your reasons for needing a Wi-Fi hotspot, the LattePanda – being a full Windows 10 PC – is easy to set up in this role.

For this to work, you will need to make sure you have the “Anniversary Update” of Windows 10 installed on your LattePanda, as the ability to create a Wi-Fi hotspot is one of the more useful (if not particulary well advertised) features of this update that we will be using. To check what version of Windows 10 you have installed, open the Windows Settings box using [Windows Key] + [i]:

Go into System -> About:

If your version is 1607 or better, you are good to go. If not, then go back up to the Windows Settings box and go into Update & Security -> Windows Update and get yourself updated.

Assuming you are now at version 1607 or later, then you will need the Windows Settings box once again, but this time you want to click into Network & Internet -> Mobile hotspot:

Turn your hotspot on and give your new network a name and password, as the default ones invariably suck. That’s it! You are now the proud host of a Wi-Fi hotspot. Just remember that with your new great power comes great responsibility...

Mark completed his Electronic Engineering degree in 1991 and worked in real-time digital signal processing applications engineering for a number of years, before moving into technical marketing.