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Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to give you a detailed overview of one of the world's smallest microcontrollers. It's an ATtiny85 microcontroller, which is an AVR Microcontroller, manufactured by Microchip. So, let's have a look at ATtiny85 Pinout and basic details:


Basics of ATtiny85

  • ATtiny is an 8 pin AVR Microcontroller, designed and manufactured by Microchip.
  • Its design is based on RISC architecture.
  • It is popular because of its small size and flexibility.
  • Although it has only 8 pins it can perform almost every functionality a simple microcontroller can do. So, let's have a look at its pinout and you will get a better idea of its functionality:

ATtiny85 Pinout

As I said earlier, ATtiny85 Microcontroller has only 8 pins but each pin is assigned with multiple functions and it depends on the requirements of your project. So, let's have a look at these Pins one by one.

  • Pin # 1: It's an analogue pin ADC0 and is used for analogue sensors.
  • Pin # 2: It's also an analogue pin ADC3 and it's also used for crystal oscillator XTAL1.
  • Pin # 3: It's also an analogue pin ADC2 and it's also used for crystal oscillator XTAL2.
  • Pin # 4: It should be connected to GND.
  • Pin # 5: It can be used as MOSI for SPI Communication and SDA for I2C Communication.
  • Pin # 6: It can be used as MISO for SPI Communication.
  • Pin # 7: It can be used as SCK for SPI Communication and SCL for I2C Communication.
  • Pin # 8: It's a Vcc Pin so you need to apply 5V here.

ATtiny85 Memory Allocations

ATtiny85 has 3 built-in memories associated with it, which are as follows:

  • It has a flash memory of 2096 bytes.
  • EEPROM memory of ATtiny85 is 512 bytes.
  • It has 32 general purpose registers as well.

Only EEPROM memory is non-volatile memory, while other memories are volatile memories.

ATtiny85 Applications

It is used in those projects where small-sized embedded chips are required. Mostly in handheld devices where just one or two sensors data is required.

I hope you have enjoyed today's tutorial. If you have any questions regarding this microcontroller then ask in the comments and I will help you out. Thanks for reading. Take care !!! :)
