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Top 5 reasons why DraftSight is a useful tool for Design Engineers

DesignSpark works with leading CAD (Computer Aided Design) vendors across the globe to bring our users the right engineering tools to accelerate design cycle time, allow rapid prototyping, and get changes to market quickly: from design to manufacturing. We continue this endeavour today by introducing you to ‘DraftSight’ from Dassault Systèmes.

DraftSight is a professional grade 2D drafting and 3D design solution. It provides access to existing DWG files and creates new ones at a fraction of the cost of alternative CAD products like AutoCAD.

Watch this short introductory video:

It is also an easy transition from AutoCAD with a familiar user interface, commands, and full compatibility with existing drawings and data, such as Dynamic Blocks. With DraftSight, you get the return on investment (ROI) you deserve without sacrificing quality or productivity.

Here are the top 5 benefits of the DraftSight Professional and Premium versions (video previews are included):

1. Opens DXF and DWG files, allowing drawings to be imported from AutoCAD and enables effective collaboration

2. Access free supplier-certified design content (2D and 3D parts, assemblies, 2D blocks, macros, etc.) using the 3D Content Central integration. Save time and design with confidence!

3. Robust productivity tools like Auto Dimensioning, Power Trim, Dynamic Blocks, Batch Printing, Draw Compare, Image Tracer, and G-Code generator help you create faster, error-free designs.


4. The DraftSight API allows you to customize the software and automate processes with LISP routines or another programming language (C++, C++ COM, C#, JavaScript, VB.NET, VBA).

5. The Premium version includes a complete set of 3D modelling tools to transform 2D shapes into 3D solids for manufacturing.

DraftSight Professional and Premium versions are offered as standalone desktop licences and can be purchased as annual subscriptions.

RS DesignSpark is the go-to platform for students, makers, hobbyists and professional design engineers, providing design resources such as the award winning DesignSpark PCB and DesignSpark Mechanical CAD software. Join the community today at