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Project nautliUS to commence field trials
Project nautliUS the low-cost fuel tank inspection system is about to enter it's next stage.
Last summer we were on hand to cover the very first under oil tank inspection using the Project nautilUS robot. This was a significant step for the consortium behind the project, 3 years of development were about to be tested in an industrial environment. This proved to a resounding success. You can click here to view the first under oil testing plus interviews with the consortium members.
The next phase for nautilUS has just commenced with a 12-month funded extension to allow for validation of the robotic platform and NDT testing process. This extension is all about taking the program to commercialisation and developing routes to market. Moving out from the initial phase of development and testing to delivering a commercially viable product based on the underlying technology is a giant and significant step forward in the project.
The key team during the extension period are RS Components, Sonomatic and InnoTecUK and they are already pushing the project to the next level.
This is evident by the fact that they have negotiated live field trials on 10 water tanks in the UAE starting May 2021. This activity is being conducted by Sonomatic on the ground in UAE, with remote support supplied from InnoTecUK and RS Components.
Furthermore, over 60 operators and inspection companies have come forward to express an interest in the platform and the method used for NDT utilised via Project nautliUS.
Project nuatilUS was also a key part of the KTN organised Robotics Showcase event on May 5th run by Innovate UK. Here you can view the video from this Showcase event which demonstrates the potential of nautilUS.
The Robotics Summer Showcase is a 3-month programme of online events, which focuses on UK led cutting edge robotic research and application. From May to July there are a variety of events and workshops to participate in. Full details can be viewed by clicking the banner below.