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Power loss and optimised MOSFET selection in BLDC motor inverter designs

Understanding MOSFET power losses in block (trapezoidal) commutation

White paper by Infineon’s Senior Application System Engineer, Elvir Kahrimanovic.






An increasing number of today’s motion control applications are being built around the brushless DC motor thanks to the increased efficiency and higher power densities available. Although BLDC solutions usually require more complex drive electronics than their brushed counterparts, the advantages of deploying smaller and lighter motors with higher reliability often outweigh the relative simplicity of brushed DC motors.

This white paper by Infineon takes an in-depth look at BLDC motor inverter designs to help you understand MOSFET power losses and, ultimately, address these in cost-efficient designs.

Download Infineon’s white paper: Power Loss and Optimised MOSFET Selection in BLDC Motor Inverter Designs - below.

DesignSpark Community Manager and all-around geek girl.
