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How to Register the Official Android Image on Radxa ROCK 4 SE and Radxa ROCK 4C+ SBCs

Registering the official Android image on your Radxa ROCK 4 SE (220-9536) or ROCK 4C+ (249-3158) single board computer involves a few steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Initial Setup and Message Display:

Upon setting up your Radxa ROCK 4 SE or ROCK 4C+, you will see a message continuously pinging on your screen indicating the need to register your device.

Google Android Device Registration 1 - need to register

Click on the “Continue” button when prompted. This will take you to a new screen where you need to take further action.

Google Android Device Registration 2 - click ok to continue

Click “OK” on the subsequent screen. This action will direct you to this address:

Google Android Device Registration 3 - non certified

You can either follow the link on your Radxa ROCK SBC or access the page from a different device if that’s more convenient.

Navigating the Google Certification Page:

Once you reach the certification page, select the option “Device isn’t certified” and then choose “Custom ROM”.

Google Android Device Registration 4 - custom ROM

You will then be taken to this page where you are prompted to enter the Google Services Framework Android ID.

Google Android Device Registration 5 - Overview

Entering the Google Services Framework Android ID:

You will be prompted to enter your “Google Services Framework Android ID”. To find this ID, you need to use the GoogeDeviceRegistration app:

Google Android Device Registration 6

Once installed, open the app and register your device to obtain your Google Services Framework Android ID. Note it down carefully as you will need to enter it on the Google certification page.

Final Steps:

Type the Android ID into the field provided on the certification page and submit it and await confirmation. After submitting, you might see a screen indicating that the device registration is in process. Don’t worry if it takes some time. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for the registration to be fully processed and recognised by Google’s systems.

Google Android Device Registration 7 - Congratulations, error

While waiting for the registration to be completed, you can continue with the setup process on your Radxa ROCK device.

Google Android Device Registration 8 - Phone Ready

By following these steps, you will successfully register the official Android image on your Radxa ROCK 4 SE or ROCK 4C+ single board computer, allowing you to utilise Google services on your device.

I work for OKdo, please feel free to reach out with any queries about OKdo or ROCK.
