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How can I improve graphics quality in DS Mechanical?

This tutorial requires:

DesignSpark Mechanical V6.0

On the hardware side, if you have switchable graphics make sure to associate the high-performance graphics card (usually the dedicated one - NVIDIA or AMD chip) with DSM. Or enable that card prior to launching DSM.

In the Graphics performance options group in the Popular screen in DesignSpark Mechanical Options, select a higher number for Rendering quality.

You can choose any number between 1 and 7, where 1 is the lowest rendering quality and 7 is the highest but be aware that a higher setting may impact performance.

Click the Recalculate Rendering button to force recalculation of all surface and line rendering.

DesignSpark Mechanical Display Options

Additionally, these are recommended settings in the advanced menu:

  • In the Advanced options, choose Direct3D as your preferred renderer.
  • Turn on multi-threaded faceting and enhanced shaded.

Advanced Settings for Display in DSM Mechanical

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