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Control and monitor a timer relay via NFC with your smartphone or tablet



A timer that can be controlled and monitored by a smartphone or tablet via NFC - but offers many more benefits for machine builders and electrical installers. The article below is an introduction to this device (914-5070) that is now available to RS customers around the globe. Aligned to the Industrial Internet of Things trend NFC technology is gaining more and more relevance in the automation industry. NFC is a feature that is already included in many mobile phones and tablets opening up lots of new and exciting options for users.title

Benefit 1

Improved Efficiency - the NFC timer comes with 28 timing functions which allows engineers to reduce the number of individual references for their designs or installations






Benefit 2

Quickly duplicate settings across multiple relays using the clone function for faster installation times.




Benefit 3

Better Accuracy - no manual configuration required, this can be achieved via an external mobile app - allows precise time setting up to a millisecond. No more parallax errors and no more more calculations required.





Benefit 4

Enabling control and monitor of the timer - diagnostics feature to check the time lapse and input/output status






Benefit 5

Security - settings are password protected to prevent others from changing them







View the video for a detailed overview of how the NFC relay provides many benefits over convential relays.

Some weeks ago the first samples of the NFC timer arrived at my desk, we passed these on to Peter Oakes an indepentant technical blogger for review. His assessment and in depth review can be found in the video below, it makes for great viewing and highlights futher the benefits of this new and highly innovative timer relay.

