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3 Reasons for Adopting Push-In Terminals
In an industry that depends on secure wiring, conventional techniques have ruled the roost for decades. However, the time and cost of creating a new installation are high, and there are alternatives.
Here are 3 reasons to look at push-in technology for your next installation…
The Need for Speed
The time required to create conventional wiring is one of the compelling reasons for adopting push-in technology. When compared with all other techniques, push-in terminations win hands down. Take a look at this video to see how they compare with screw-in terminals.
The truth is that time can be a hidden cost in any job. Using push-in terminals could reduce the time needed to complete the wiring in your installation by more than 50%. Not only does this offer the potential to save money, but it also reduces the time that your experienced technicians need to devote to wiring, allowing them to use their expertise in more productive areas.
Lose the Tools
Not only does push-in technology save time, but it also frees the engineer from the need for expensive tools. Whether crimp or solder, tooling for cable installation requires time and skill to use. In addition, tools can be dropped, lost or broken.
Push-in terminals use the bare minimum of tooling, often needing little more than a normal flat-bladed screwdriver and a cable stripper. Stranded cables can be crimped with ferrules ahead of the need for installation, keeping the time needed on-site to complete the installation to a minimum, whereas solid cables can be inserted without preparation.
With tooling (and the training to use them) costing so much, push-in terminals offer a really cost-effective alternative.
Safe and Secure
There is a perception that push-in terminals are not as secure as a more traditional technique. The feedback that we get from tightening a screw or applying a generous amount of solder gives us the impression that the joint is secure.
In contrast, the simple act of pushing a wire into a terminal does not give that same immediate tactile feedback, and so we could be forgiven for thinking that push-in terminals are not as secure. The truth is somewhat different. In fact, the push-in terminal delivers considerable advantages over more traditional methods.
One of the most important things required across a large installation is consistency. A machine might need hundreds or even thousands of wires terminated. Both solder and screw terminations can provide inconsistent results depending on the skill and fatigue of the operator. In fact, both technologies have the potential to create hidden problems. Using too little solder could create the potential for a dry joint in the future, and over-tightening of screw terminals can damage wires and housings.
In contrast, the constant-force springs used in push-in terminals apply uniform pressure throughout the life of the machine. They can be installed quickly in the confidence that they will provide a reliable connection, allowing experienced operators to spend their time on more intricate tasks.
In addition, the spring used for push-in termination provides long-term reliability, even under harsh conditions. Screws can be undone by constant exposure to vibration, and solder joints can be shaken loose. This is not the case for push-in terminations.
Offering consistency, reliability, and resistance to vibration, push-in terminals are ideal for creating secure connections that will last.
Introducing S3 Push-in Terminals from IDEC
The latest push-in termination technology from IDEC is being fitted to their ranges of 22mm switches, emergency stop switches, relay bases and power supplies, making installation of these critical devices quick and secure. Designed to provide reliability and performance in an easy-to-use package, these solutions are providing engineers with the opportunity to save time and money, whilst reducing their reliance on complex tooling.
Take a look at the new products and see whether the S3 system could find a home in your next installation.