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Two new configuration options

  1. Add an option in the same vein as the Pull options->Default extrude behaviour, to allow changing the default Move->Maintain connectivity option to off.
  2. An option to prevent DSM from guessing what I want to do, and wait until I tell it.

An example of the latter. If I want to project some lines onto a surface, and I select those lines prior to clicking on the project tool, DSM then disappears up its own gpu and attempts to project those lines onto every visible surface in the model.

For simple stuff, I am sure this makes for compelling demonstrations, but for any non-trivial set of lines in complex models it causes very long delays waiting for huge amounts of wasted effort, to the point where I find myself killing the process after 5 hours of waiting. That is, if it hasn't already crashed because it ran out of space. If it waited until it gave me the chance to select the surface I want to project on to, this would not happen.

Another example. When trying to create a pattern of a complex object, the need to start the process by dragging before you can enter the number of repetitions can again cause DSM to spend hours replicating the item dozens of times, when all you want it 3 or 4 copies.

If my proposed option2 was checked, simply clicking the move hande to indicate the direction of the translation or rotation and then hitting spacebar would allow me to enter the number of repetition required without all the guesswork and wasted gpu/cpu cycles.

There are several other occasions when DSM attempts to predict what I might want and show it to me as I mouse over things, which if the action is complex, slows the process of actually indicating what I actually want painful and error prone. (But I cannot think of good examples off the top of my head. I'll add them here as I re-encounter them.)