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Thermal and Acoustic Imagining & their role in Condition Monitoring

Thermal and acoustic imagers are highly useful assets for industrial condition monitoring. Not only will they highlight issues immediately, but they also provide a visual representation of the issue, issues that can often be overlooked by visual inspection alone. For early identification of potential costly faults, ease of use, quality control and safety, Flir imagers represent a sound investment for industrial solutions. 

In this edition we are looking at what's new in thermography and acoustic, how these technologies are used to conduct site inspections and condition monitoring, plus also ensuring how to get the best from your instruments with the support of Flir software and training modules. 

Flir also provides software and training modules to ensure you get the best from your instruments.

Flir Thermography Software helps to develop the skills and analytics needed for robust site monitoring, such as FLIR THERMAL STUDIO and FLIR IGNITE.

Also, the Flir Infrared Training Center delivers certification-led training up to Level III Thermography.

For more information on the products we discussed during this interview, see our featured products below.

Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel
