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The DesignSpark Podcast - Let’s make technology funny again!

We are delighted to announce that our 5-star rated comedy-tech podcast is returning to make technology funny again.

From professional engineers to amateur tinkerers, anyone can talk about technology as being exciting and inspiring…but what about funny? Thanks to DesignSpark’s debut podcast - History Makers - launched in 2018, tech expert Dr Lucy Rogers and award-winning comedians Bec Hill and Harriet Braine showed the world just how to find the humorous side of everything from Artificial Intelligence to 3D manufacturing, garnering rave reviews and a Top 5 placing in the iTunes Technology chart.TechLOLogy1_e3eaaa3ea0aaf53f5e655f0b2d3f79a50a9ba625.jpgWith a brand new title for 2019, to reflect its originator, The DesignSpark Podcast will once again feature a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs to get tech fans giggling with glee.

Whilst History Makers looked back to the past, The DesignSpark Podcast asks the talented trio to consider the past, present and future of the hottest trends in tech. Expect more bonkers characters, gags, banter and facts as Lucy, Bec and Harriet sink their teeth into everything from space travel to nanobots.  

The DesignSpark Podcast 2019 series will be recorded before a live audience at the Rosemary Branch Theatre on the evenings of Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th and Saturday 23rd March 2019. Tickets are available now at TicketText. The show will be released on iTunes, Podbean and Spotify shortly afterwards. Please follow @DesignSparkRS for updates.

The DesignSpark Podcast will be produced by an award-winning team from Why did the Chicken? and written by the cast alongside contributions from a range of established and emerging writers.


Tickets cost just £5 per person and all ticket sales will go straight to Remap.

Remap is a charity that puts people who can design and make things in contact with disabled people that need things making for them. Visit Remap to find out more about volunteering and put your practical engineering and design skills to exceptionally good use.

Catch up on History Makers Series 1 

Listen below or search for DesignSpark on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

E1 - Wireless Communication: “It’s addictive, dangerous and I don’t trust it”

E2 - Artificial Intelligence: “What would Mary Shelley make of Westworld?”

E3 - Computer Programming: “The first computer bug was a moth”

E4 - Navigation: “GPS would make the Wizard of Oz boring”

E5 - 3D Manufacturing: “How to get the Kinder surprise toy without opening the egg”

E6 - Cyber: “I have been using my free anti-virus trial for 10 years”

RS DesignSpark is the go-to platform for students, makers, hobbyists and professional design engineers, providing design resources such as the award winning DesignSpark PCB and DesignSpark Mechanical CAD software. Join the community today at
