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S3 E1: Mastering the Mysteries of Space Tourism

It's time for some Tech with a Comedy Twist!

Dr Lucy Rogers, Bec Hill and Harriet Braine are back for Series 3 of The DesignSpark Podcast, the show that uses facts, songs and well-engineered puns to master the mysteries of modern technology. 

In this episode, the trio are exploring the world of Space Tourism. It is the area of technology that comprises two of the world's most difficult things; rocket science and customer service. 

Join them on their journey, which includes Lucy's Quick Start Guide, Harriet's History of Space Tourism, Bec's Big Idea, a song sung by the Voyager 2 space probe (who is a Geordie apparently) and much more... 

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The DesignSpark Podcast brings together Dr Lucy Rogers, Bec Hill and Harriet Braine to explore some of the hottest topics in tech through a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs. You can listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, YouTube and many of your other favourite podcast platforms.
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