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With the Internet of Things becoming an unavoidable force in the world of Electronics, it seems this topic can’t be discussed without the mention of LoRa™ –the low power, long-range wireless protocol developed by Semtech. LoRa™ gives an incredible performance compared to other competing technologies. Based on spread-spectrum technology and other techniques, result in LoRa™ being a robust and reliable technology.

LoRa™ wireless technology is ideally suited to be used in a wide variety of applications. One of the major uses for the technology is to enable communications over long ranges using very low power levels. The benefit of LoRa™ is that the end points can be situated in a range of different locations. Still having the capability of being able to communicate with the gateway. The technology is often used for applications ranging from metering, tracking and data monitoring.


The LoRa™ technology can be easily added to an application by using radio modules with the technology built-in. We offer the GAMMA and RF-LORA modules, both with the SemTech technology included already. These radio modules can then be easily embedded into a device, to add the wireless functionality.

RF-LORA_copy_5d41727be2d317a27ee4df5ea585a61332f7e3b8.jpgOur RF-LORA is an incredibly high-performing radio module in a compact 23mm x 20mm form. The RF-LORA has been created to offer the popular LoRa™ technology for IoT applications. The powerful module has achieved a range of over 50km from one of the many applications it has been used on. The use of spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity within minimum current consumption makes the module appealing for a range of applications. RF-LORA features the Semtech SX1272 LoRa™ chip, which makes it an ideal module for IoT devices using the LoRaWAN™ network.

Since it was released last year, the RF-LORA has been used for a large range of different applications. One of the most impressive applications is for a Paragliding Detection System. The RF-LORA is used by AirWhere which provide a tracking system for paragliders all over the world.



AirWhere have constantly reported that the RF-LORA has achieved a greater range than expected. In April this year they managed to get over 50km out of the little module. This was from one of their devices going over the Peak District. Fully details of their setup and application can be found at


RF Solutions manufacture LoRa™ radio circuits in various styles to allow long range communication. As mentioned, our RF-LORA and GAMMA modules provide LoRa™ solutions as a low cost LoRa™ engine, or with onboard operating system providing a straightforward digital/serial interface requiring no knowledge of LoRa™ or even RF design!. This offers a simple method of adding wireless communication into a product design.

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RF Solutions produce quality components and systems that utilise the latest RF technology to create practical solutions for a range of applications. We also offer a variety of bespoke services with friendly, dedicated customer support.
