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For our second part of the FemEng lab last year, we started the technical workshop. Thanks to Grassroots we were able to give 10 selected FemEng members an Arduino Kit and guide them through an introduction to microcontrollers, programming and how to use some basic electronic components. Our technical team students came up with their own idea and brought it to life.

We prepared 6 different activities to help them with the basics so they could then start to be creative. We started with the simplest task to turn ON an LED continuing with controlling if it was ON or OFF using a button. Eventually, we moved to RGB LEDs to make the projects more colourful. Then we learned to use other types of sensors like photoresistance and thermistor, while also learning to use and download libraries

Arduino Uno Activities

In the end, our FemEng members did their own creation, which we will introduce in the next couple of articles, check out all the great ideas they came up with:


52705-sparkles-icon3_018f1ff50e1adb2876afe080c023293a1912e992.pngMini Light Controlled Curtains

52705-sparkles-icon3_018f1ff50e1adb2876afe080c023293a1912e992.pngExperiential Learning with Plants and Arduino 

52705-sparkles-icon3_018f1ff50e1adb2876afe080c023293a1912e992.pngInterfacing Arduino with Max/MSP

52705-sparkles-icon3_018f1ff50e1adb2876afe080c023293a1912e992.pngLearning circuits and Biosensors part 1

FemEng is a student network at University of Glasgow that aims to Empower Women in Engineering. ​ The group has a number of focuses including outreach work with schools, networking events with industry professionals, social activities, workshops and international collaborations.
