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DesignSpark PCB - Version 11.0 Release Notes and Changelog

This release of DesignSpark PCB introduces new features and enhancements which are discussed in the following notes. To learn how to use individual features, please refer to tutorials on the learning area of the DesignSpark website.

Note that certain features discussed below are exclusive to our paid subscription plans; compare our plans here: 

The changelog below lists key fixes and minor enhancements in subsequent releases.


Version 11.0.2 (Released December 12, 2023)

  • 3DView - Fixed issue with changing 3D Settings that was incorrectly changing display of layers.
  • Component Edit - (Explorer) Fixed issue with failing to save values to library.
  • Component Edit - (Engineer) Fixed issue with symbol pin number corrupting in component editor.
  • Menus - (all tiers) Fixed bug where licence menu entries were missing if no design was open.
  • New - Fixed issue where new designs used to default to using no technology.
  • Open - Improved error message description on file import failure.
  • Startup - Online Start page now respects the users default browser setting and loads HTML5 content better.
  • Technology Files -  Fixed issue with New Schematics Wizard where the selected technology file was not being recognised if you previously created one with no tech file.
  • Tool Bar - (Engineer) Fixed issue where user toolbar couldn't be created.
  • Wizards - Fixed bug where PCB Wizard used to add a non-existent design file to the currently open project.
  • Help - made various help improvements.
  • Eagle - Fixed issue where importing Eagle Libraries (EIL files) creates a corrupt library index file.
  • Eagle - Fixed issue where removing backslash or dot stripped previous character.
  • Add Pad - (Engineer) Fixed bug where pads shown on non-electrical layers could not be selected.
  • Auto Weld – Fixed bug where auto weld of pads in a footprint was adding tracks.
  • Dynamic Align - Made improvements where it now aligns if ungridded position is within tolerance of another item
  • Dynamic Align - Fixed issue where PCB footprints were using the dynamic align settings for schematic designs.
  • Differential Pairs - (Engineer) Fixed bug where Differential Pairs was missing from the Edit menu.
  • Differential Pairs - (Engineer) Fixed bug where using "Turn differential pair connections into paired tracks" from context menu did not work.
  • Paste - Fixed issue where copy/paste changed component type.
  • Misc - Fixed missing entries from board library.
  • Licensing - various improvements including new proxy configuration option at login.
  • Plotting - Fixed issue where the program was failing to generate correct power plane plots.
  • Colour Files - (Explorer) Fixed issue where Colours Tab was incorrectly shown in Folders Dialog.
  • Colour Files - (Creator) Fixed issue where Load and Save buttons were not available on all relevant technology pages.
  • Grid - (Creator) Fixed bug where grid settings were not shown.
  • Design Rule Check - Fixed issue with wrong pad to component text silkscreen error.


Version 11.0.1 (Released June 27, 2023)

  • Fixed issue with shortcut 'H' key to toggle highlighted nets
  • Fixed ECO to NetList output
  • Made improvements to Dynamic Align
  • Fixed issue with general Cut/copy/paste not working in the design editors
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour where Net Connections “On any side” permanently ticked
  • Fixed issue with failure to generate correct power plane plots.
  • Fixed a component Copy and Paste issue.
  • Improved error message descriptions
  • Fixed Log in/out behaviour in the Component Search Bar
  • Made various improvements to Licencing and Component Search


Version 11.0.0 (Released January 24, 2023)

  • Changes to licencing to support new subscription offer.
  • Updates to software branding to follow latest RS DesignSpark changes.
  • Improved error message descriptions


RS DesignSpark is the go-to platform for students, makers, hobbyists and professional design engineers, providing design resources such as the award winning DesignSpark PCB and DesignSpark Mechanical CAD software. Join the community today at
