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default insert point for object copies


Let's say I have a 2m by 2m by 2m big drawing with hundrets of parts. I then need to import a 2 cm *2 cm *2 cm  object from an external library. I need to integrate this object in a certain place somewhere on top on the main construction. When I copy and paste the small object into the huge drawing it always gets inserted somewhere deep on the bottom of the drawing (regardless if everything is set to "display on" or just the parts of the destination area are switched to "display on"). I then need to move the small item from that bottom position to the destination area which is (because of the huge count of parts and the huge drawing) pretty hard to do (Zoom in, zomm out, very low performance of the system). So my question is now the following:

Is there any way to change the default position where pasted parts are inserted (preferable dynamically somewhere close to the actual marked ore displayed parts)?

if the position is not changable, which is the easiest way to move the part 3-dimensional to the destination?