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Cairo University Racing Team FSUK'22 Journey

The Journey to FSUK was so difficult in the 2022 season. Throughout the year we faced a lot of difficulties one of them is shipping the car to the UK which took a lot of time and a lot of effort to ship. In the end, unfortunately, it did not arrive due to logistics issues.

Cairo University Racing

This year we started building the vehicle from scratch after designing it. To build the chassis we ordered certain steel rods from the UK as they are hardly manufactured in Egypt. They took about 2 months to arrive and another 2 months to dispatch from the harbour. The moment we received the rods we started instantly working on the vehicle manufacturing and assembly.

The manufacturing phase started in late March/early April, but at this time, we had our exam season and we had to focus on them. RS Grass Roots have made our journey better and helped us to make our vehicle function better in the electrical system. We finished the manufacturing phase in mid-June along with the testing then we started shipping the vehicle to the UK and there was everything stopped.

We arrived at the competition and then it hit us that the car isn’t arriving. We worked on our static events work, where we scored 8th in the business plan (FSAI) and 27th in lap time simulation.

Our plans for the 2023 season are to make it to the competition after a lot of testing to ensure that the vehicle works well. The only obstacle that is facing us lately is transporting the vehicle and ranking higher scores than last year’s

Team Leader of Cairo University Racing Team | Mechanical Engineering Student at Cairo University Expected to graduate in 2023
