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Annotation planes in multi-component project


Hello all,

I have trouble with annotation planes in multi-component project. Have somebody experienced this, or does anybody know how to help please? Please refer to image at the end of post. 

First problem: At the beginning, I have my Solid and 3 annotation planes (blue line) with dimensions. Then I r-click solid and select Move to new component. Called "Drziak_22mm". In this moment, blue planes lost all dimensions and are empty. Once I have my solid as a new component, I can r-click it and select "Open component". I create new annotation planes (red line). And now when I move Solid outside of "Drziak_22mm" component, to the root of the tree, red annotation planes get empty again. Why the planes are cleared when Solid is moved? Is it expected? I would expect that dimensions are tied to face/line/solid etc. Not the position of the solid in project hierarchy.

Second problem: How can I turn on the annotation planes visibility? I see blue rectangles, but they are empty. Once I r-click on "Drziak_22mm" and "Open component", dimensions are there. But I am not able to display it on top-level project display. Note that I'm not talking about check boxes on the left side. There is nothing displayed even the check-boxes are "on" and the plane contains dimensions (these are showed only after "Open component"). This works perfectly if I don't use components and simply have Solid in top-level. But with components, plane's content is not displayed.

Other question: I couldn't find any way how to add note/description to my component/project. Is there any way how to do it? Or do I need to keep readme.txt as external file?

Thank you very much for any hints. I'm sorry if I missed anything, this is my first model in in DSM.

~ Misaaak

