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ABB Low Voltage Motors - we're ready for EU MEPS. Are you?

Introducing EU MEPS

Using energy-efficient motors means you can lower your energy costs and have a positive effect on the environment. Significantly, all of ABB’s energy-efficient motors are designed and labeled to comply with the international IEC standards.

MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) for low voltage motors continue to play a critical role in helping countries to meet increasingly stringent targets for energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions. For motor users, MEPS has helped to increase motor efficiency whilst making it easier to compare efficiency levels between motors from different manufacturers.

These benefits have prompted many countries around the world to adopt their own MEPS. But take care – actual MEP requirements vary between regions: click here to see the ABB interactive map and find out more about the various MEPS.


Specifically in Europe, EU MEPS (European Minimum Energy Performance Standard) sets mandatory minimum efficiency levels for electric motors introduced into EU markets, and the third and final stage of EU MEPS – in force from January 1, 2017 – makes IE3 the minimum efficiency class for the majority of single-speed three-phase induction motors that are used direct online. IE2 motors can still be introduced to the market but they then have to be used with a VSD (variable speed drive).


ABB Low Voltage Motors – compliant with IE3

But the good news is that the full range of ABB control motors available from RS not only comply with the upcoming regulations but often exceed them, saving up to 30% of Energy over the previous IE2 versions.  

So, when they buy from ABB’s full range of efficient and reliable motors, as well as benefiting from the support of the global ABB service network, customers can be sure they are with EU MEPS at the same time as reducing energy consumption, costs, and the overall cost of motor ownership.

Innovative product and technology marketeer, enthusiastic writer and translator, and author of the ultimately underwhelming blog "Oneday711": technology, travel, sport. Particularly interested in the impact innovation has on our lives - good and bad.
