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3D View - Libraries that contain the 3D models

This tutorial requires:

DesignSpark PCB V11.0.0

The following shows the library structure and which libraries must be enabled for the 3D View to correctly render the PCB. These images were captured from, but Explorer and Creator are very similar.

Library Manager.

From the "Library Manager", select the Folders tab. If the "Default" library is not enabled (greyed out), select to highlight and check the "Folder Enabled" check box.

In the lower window area you will see four supplied folders of type .pkg, these contain the 3D models and must be enabled.

3D models

Now select the "3D View" tab.

To be able to see the available 3D component models select "All Libraries" and the list will be fully populated.

With the "Preview" checked, select any component and you will be able to see the component model and footprint symbol. The PgUp and PgDn keyboard keys can be used to move up and down the list or individual components can be examined by selecting with a left-click of the mouse.


A further useful feature is the "Report" button which can be configured to generate component model reports and their use within the libraries.

An example using the above is shown below.

For further information, the built-in Help files include many details in the Index under “3D....” and “Edit 3D Package”.

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