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Why Datacommunication Hardware is Important for IIoT

IIoT & Datacomms Hardware

Cables, Cords, and Wires... are at times often overlooked pieces of equipment, but all play a key role in keeping the Industrial Internet of Things running. By allowing devices to reliably and securely communicate, the factory floor has never been more in sync, but how much do you really know about data communication hardware?

When used in industrial environments, Ethernet and other datacomm hardware makes use of screening to helps protect signals from electrical noise, and are insulated to withstand oils, moisture and other types of chemicals. Additionally, this insulation also protects the hardware from repeated movement in use. 

Hubs, routers, access points, and protocol converters help direct data to where it needs to be - either through these cables or wirelessly.  

Looking to get started with your IIoT journey? Find a range of Industrial IoT solutions here.

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