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Difference's between an Integrated Circuit and Discrete Circuit

A circuit is a complete circular path through which electricity flows. How can you tell the difference between an integrated circuit and a discrete circuit? It’s easier than you think, and knowing the various characteristics will help you make more appropriate design choices. Here’s a helpful breakdown.

Look for Separation Between the Components

The hallmark characteristic of a discrete circuit is that it features various separately manufactured components manufactured individually and linked with conducted wires or soldered onto a printed circuit board (PCB). Transistors, transformers and capacitors are some key components of discrete circuits.

If you look at a circuit board and see many individual but connected components, that’s a discrete circuit. On the other hand, an integrated circuit (IC) is a self-contained unit on the PCB. All the necessary components are inside it, and there’s no need to use wires to connect everything.

ICs are usually inside plastic boxes, and you’ll see metal pins that look like insect legs sticking out of the enclosure. Each pin allows access to the contained circuit. It’s either an input or output to or from a specialized circuit built into the chip.

Something to remember is that the IC's single-unit nature prevents people from replacing individual components. Instead, they have to switch out the entire circuit for a new one if something goes wrong. That can be a significant downside, but integrated circuits are easy to source, so replacements should be straightforward.

Study the Overall Size

People commonly say size matters, and that’s arguably even more true for circuit choices. Discrete circuits became available before integrated ones. Plus, the latter type paved the way for the increasing miniaturization of devices. Since integrated circuits are smaller, they’ll weigh less, too. That’s helpful since so many electronic gadgets are becoming more portable.

Discrete circuits are larger by necessity because there must be more space between each component and the traces connecting them. Plus, a larger size equals more power in a solid-state circuit.

However, the smaller size of an IC doesn’t always make it less capable. Some integrated circuits have tens of thousands of components on the chip. Since they all occupy less space, it’s possible to build an IC that can perform as well as a discrete circuit. However, it’ll likely have less power.

Check Out the Schematic if Possible

If you know someone who played a direct role in a circuit’s design, you may have access to its schematic drawing. If so, it’ll be easy to tell what kind of circuit the team designed. Simplicity is the telltale factor in an integrated circuit. You’ll notice the schematic looks like a square with several horizontal lines coming out of it. Each line represents one of the metal pins mentioned earlier.

However, the routing is extremely dense and complex on a discrete circuit. Recall that it features several components, and each is only one of the parts needed to make a circuit function. In addition to noticing that the associated schematic looks more complicated, you’ll see details about the traces connecting each component.

Assess the Components for ESD Preventives

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) occurs when an electrical current suddenly and briefly flows between two objects at different electrical potentials. Integrated and discrete circuits can experience it, which is a problem because it risks damaging electronic products.

Specialized cable management chains and surfaces coated in conductive, electroless nickel are two trusted ESD management methods. However, beyond those similarities, there are different best practices for protecting an integrated circuit versus a discrete one.

One of the most common IC safeguarding measures is to connect a TVS diode between the signal-carrying line and the ground. If ESD occurs, the diode will protect the circuit by shunting the current to ground.

Caps, coils and transformers are some of the significant ESD sources for discrete circuits. However, the circuit design and its tracing can mitigate the issue. The main thing to remember is that discrete and integrated circuits need ESD protection. Looking at the kind chosen for the circuit during its design and build can help you with the identification process.

Learn About the Production Method

3D printing has dramatically changed and expanded the production options for making circuits. If you ever hear about how someone made a circuit and 3D printing arises in the conversation, there’s a good chance designers chose that method for an IC.

That makes sense, particularly since discrete circuits came before integrated builds, and 3D printing is a relatively new technology. It can be much more efficient than conventional manufacturing methods, so people often use it to make circuit board prototypes significantly faster than they originally could. That’s beneficial during early design phases or when a team wants to respond quickly to a client’s requests for changes.

Remember that integrated circuits have self-contained designs rather than those made up of separate components soldered onto circuit boards. That has made researchers and company leaders particularly interested in pushing the boundaries of 3D printing to see what’s possible.

For example, one team worked on flexible circuits resembling the structure of traditional ICs. Moreover, the heightened and ongoing interest in miniaturized components should lead to the continued development of 3D printing methods for integrated circuit production. Conversely, using 3D printing for complete discrete circuits is impractical due to their design. Instead, some people may experiment by using this manufacturing option for individual parts that will eventually be used for discrete circuits.

Differentiate Between an Integrated Circuit and Discrete Circuit

This information will help you quickly identify the circuits you see. Even better, now that you know some of the defining features of each one, you’ll be able to make smarter design choices based on a project’s requirements. For example, an IC is the best choice if the circuit must be lightweight and as small as possible. However, if you want easy repairability and the ability to change different components, a discrete circuit will meet that need.

If applicable, talk to your clients before finalizing design decisions. Once you learn more about their must-have factors and what kind of device will use the circuit, it’ll be easier to make confident choices that get the desired outcomes.

Emily Newton is the Editor-in-Chief of Revolutionized Magazine. She has over six years experience writing articles for the tech and industrial sectors. Subscribe to the Revolutionized newsletter for more content from Emily at https://revolutionized.com/subscribe/