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DesignSpark Mechanical repeatably freezing


I'm trying to use an airfoil to 3d print a rib shape.

I take the file with the points and can import them into the program. I first need to use the Fill command to make it a solid shape. Once I have done this, I can successfully Pull the shape into 3D. My first step here is to extrude the entire shape 4mm upward. Then I add some holes. All is good to this point.

Now I want to select the outer 3mm around the periphery of the airfoil up some additional distance. So I use the Offset Curve tool. This works on the bottom of the 4mm airfoil solid (on the original Z layer zero plane).

But if I first click on the plane at the top of my 1st 4mm upward Pull and try to use the Offset Curve tool, the program freezes (the circle icon spins forever). It may occasionally come back for a second, but moving the mouse freezes it again. I have to kill the program and start over.

I can probably get by this if I make the first pull downward, instead of upward. Or if I do the first one down, the second one up, and flip the part over. The this will probably limit me to no more than two pulls using this edge and seems wrong.