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Dear Members, When I create an object how do I assign the orientation different to the default. For example I will reference the Front side as A for the purpose of explaining. But what do I do, if I want to assign Left as A? How can I assign the Orientation View.
Thank you in advance for your thoughts? 断面をpngなどの画像で保存する場合についてお伺いします。
(2)添付の画像ですと断面がグレーになっていますが、ハッチングを残したままで断面を白にすることはできますでしょうか? I am running 6.0.1. I am getting frustrated at the autosave feature. It is vastly slowing down my work. How do I disable it or at least not autosave every 2 minutes (sometimes less)? I have always saved my work as I do changes, so I do not need autosave to begin with.
Michael Hallo,
kann mir jemand sagen wie ich die Gitterlinien (den Ursprung) eines Teils ändern und speichern kann? Wenn ich ein Jpg in DSM einfüge, und dieses z.B. 2° schräg zu den Gitterlinien liegt, ich das Jpg dann um 2° drehe, drehen sich die Gitterlinien mit, so das diese wieder nicht mit dem Jpg übereinstimmen. Das Ursprungskoordinatensystem dreht sich also 1:1 mit dem Jpg (oder Bauteil) mit.
Ich finde einfach keine Lösung.
Can someone tell me how I can change and save the grid lines (the origin) of a part? If I insert a JPG into DSM and it is, for example, 2° diagonal to the grid lines, and I then rotate the JPG by 2°, the grid lines rotate with it, so that they do not match the JPG again. The original coordinate system rotates 1:1 with the JPG (or component).
I just can't find a solution.
Hello,I'm still working on my adaptation with DSM. So far, and for projects that don't require motion studies, DSM is a good tool for me when I forget habits and work methods acquired with other software. I'll add some example images.
However, I'm worried that lately the work is difficult because the program doesn't respond after trying to project edges from faces and surfaces to sketches. It really seems to slow down excessively and then I cause it to close.
I didn't know about the spaceclaim software, and I didn't know what relationship it has with DSM, but the message after that is "spaceclaim 2023 doesn't respond". And always when I work on sketches with projection attempt. I have to say that I work with "sketch limitations activated", but with standard sketch the problem also occurs.
Many hours investigating advanced DSM properties (configuration), trying all options related to processor change etc, but without results.
I have also found that DXF sketch imports cannot be extruded and require re-drawing, but I end up finding a solution at the expense of time.
Should I take this problem as inevitable at this point?
Are there any specific program configuration tips?
Maybe the graphics card, which is already old, causes this?
Sorry for the flood of questions,
Germán デザインスパークメカニカルで3D図を作成し、「図面作成」した際に
投影モード実行の時、 真ん中の絵(枠)をドラッグしますが、生成される展開図が
添付ファイルの絵は 上にある絵は上に、右にあるのは右にドラッグした結果です。
何かの設定のような気がしますが解決策はありますでしょうか? お助け下さい。 Hello,
after re-install DS, i am not able to connect.
Can you help me?
複雑な表面同士で重なった場合などは全ての面を選択してから分割するしかないのでしょうか? pngやjpegで保存するときに、XYZ座標軸を表示させない方法はありますでしょうか? Hey out there.
Wondering if there is a way to convert a STL file into a usable object in DSM.
Right now the only option i know of is to convert it to an oject but generally it just gives me a shell that can't be turned to a solid.
Even if I tell it to create a solid it seems to make a shell also it busy's out my pc for a hour.
IF I leave it as a STL you can't really edit it. I ask becuase I have a STL file of a plane that would go a long way to helping me with a new design project yet. The file is affectily useless to me. At least based on my current level of understanding.
Let me know if there are any suggestions.
hola,al crear un diseño no y al dar a enviar al programa cura para exportar en stl ,no abre el programa ni envia nada,asi mismo lo intento guardar en stl y no aparece el archivo en ninguna carpeta. HI Can someone help please , I have just updated my P.C and cant open the software , I get an odd , license error: unkown error encounted , Status Bad Request error code Date _header _invalid ,
I have the same error on both my laptop ( win 11) and new P.C (win 11 ) ,I even tried it on my old windows 7 P.C which it always worked on and get the same results, I have set up a new "account" to see if its was an error with my old data , but still the same results
Any one else having this issue or managed to resolve it
Best regards
Mark 昨天在设计月球科技馆概念图时用扫掠拉伸功能画完了十几道曲形的结构长板,画最后几道时突然扫掠拉伸功能失效,我按照软件提示一直没有排除故障,现在无论是手动还是自动,扫掠拉伸功能都不工作,请给予指点。
Google Translation:
Yesterday, when I was designing the concept drawing of the Lunar Science and Technology Museum, I used the sweep and stretch function to draw more than a dozen curved structural long boards. When I was drawing the last few lines, the sweep and stretch function suddenly failed. I followed the software prompts and still failed to troubleshoot. Now, Whether it is manual or automatic, the sweep stretch function is not working, please give me some advice. 本日「Engineer」にアップグレードしたのですが、再起動して使ってみましたが、レイヤ階層も使用できなく、バルーン機能も使えません。画面上の表示は「Engineer」になっています。どのようにしたら使えるようになりますか。 On CNC manufactured parts I have 1 or 2 pages of drawing defining the machanical design. What I'd like to do is have a last drawing page just with paint detailing, (a second external oeration) . So on the drawing I can "shade" and then colour specific surfaces. However on some parts paint is only on part of a surface. If I if I sketch a line to define the paint boundry I can colorise the relevant surface however this is a line I do not want to appear on any other view. I don't fully understand that if I hide the line in in specific views in the mechnical design sheets then it seems the line is actually part of the body and the whole body is hidden, which is not what I want to do. Anyone got any suggestions ? Of could I could just create another component just for the paint detail but It'd be easier to manage if there is only one component.
Assign Orientation View
autosave problem
Gitterlinien drehen und SPEICHERN!
Program doesn't respond after trying to project
Login issue
Using STL files
cura no envia stl
error when trying to open designspark
扫掠拉伸功能失效 - Sweep Stretch Function Fails
Paint Detail