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本单页列出了目前在产的所有树莓派(Raspberry Pi)的产品,包括工业用的运算模组3,各型号比较更便于了解和选项。

隆重推出新的Raspberry Pi 运算模组3 (CM3),全新CM3 搭载1GB RAM 与Raspberry
Pi 3 所使用的BCN2837 64 位元处理器,较前一版本大幅提高速度。CM3 的尺寸较小,
对想要在嵌入式设计中使用Raspberry Pi 的人而言是理想的选择。
标准装置具有4GB eMMC 和SD 卡插槽。而「Lite」版的装置规格相同,但不具有4GB
eMMC 和SD 卡插槽。
另有包含SD 卡插槽的全新CMOI V3 开发板可供选择,让您支援「Lite」版本的装置。



Hello, world! this is Catherine from DesignSpark family. when I joined the DS community she was just 2 years old, but now 10! I learn a lot from the community and made many friends here. Was a Electrical designer, I love any new funny technology, enjoy to discuss the ideas with friends. Even a little spark maybe change the world, do you believe? come and join, just do it!