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Industry Insight - How Moflash Lit Up European Football


Moflash is a leading supplier of Sounders, Beacons and Warning Devices. Recently, we spent the day at their facility in Birmingham to discover a little more about them.

It was really interesting to meet the guys behind the products in an informal and relaxed environment. Their new facility is impressive, as are their staff who, during our visit, gave us real insight into how their products move from order to manufacture and on to delivery in a smart and efficient operation.

Sounders and Beacons are key to many different industries, with applications vast and varied to say the least. From offshore through to warehousing, commercial spaces and European football nights, we wanted to discover how a supplier differentiates between these, and how they develop their product offer in-line with customer expectations.

In the interview below, Simon and Marc take us through how end users, distributors and suppliers work together in order to meet the needs of industry, both now and in the future. With some key insights into how an industrial manufacturer approaches their market and typical application examples from Bilbao to Panama, it makes for great viewing.


Moflash news

Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel