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Quelle est la différence entre les opérations Pull et Move ?

This tutorial requires:

DesignSpark Mechanical V6.0

Dans le sens le plus simple, l'opération Pull permet de créer ou d'extruder, tandis que l'opération Move permet de translater ou de faire pivoter.

Par exemple, si vous tirez (pull) un trou, la taille du trou change :


Mais si vous déplacez le trou, l'emplacement du trou change :


Le comportement n'est similaire que dans le cas où vous tirez (pull) ou déplacez (move) une face plane.

I'm a Mechanical Engineer by qualification though I worked for a long time specialising in Motion Control systems and integration with various PLC systems. I've wide experience of many types of applications from packaging machines to military and some applications that I can't mention. At home, I like to tinker and make things with wood, metal, plastics, electronics and mechanical system. I'm never happier than with a hammer and a screwdriver in my hands....
