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Ask the Expert - Industry leading Wi-Fi IoT Platforms

In this edition of Ask the Expert, we are in discussion with Infineon's Graham Smith to discuss low power Wi-Fi.
Also, with the release of Infineon's ultra-low-power single-chip device, CYW43012 which is dual-band IEEE 802.11n compliant features integrated Bluetooth 5 and has best-in-class power consumption, it was a good time to catch up and find out a lot more about low power Wi-Fi for IoT and why Infineon is making a lot of noise about their CYW4301 module.
Join us for the conversation where we also discuss why future-proofing Wi-Fi applications using 5GHz could be a worthwhile consideration.
Learn more about CYW43012 by utilising the PSoC 62S2 Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit (201-7437)

More information and support can be found in the following links.

Community Landing page
Modus Toolbox Homepage
Regulatory Manual
CYW43102 Datasheet

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