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Wirelessly power LED lights by Inductive Power Transfer


Hi there! I'm a novice to electrics but I am developing a product that I have worked out which components i need, but not the specs. I was wondering if anyone can help me? 

The product is a bike lock with LED lights on and I have designed a circuit which involves powering the LED from a power bank though an Inductive Power Transfer linking the LED's to the battery. From my understanding, to make this circuit work I need an oscillator on the primary and a rectifier on the secondary, or do I even need a rectifier on the secondary? The IPT will be through copper coils.

I have a supplier for the power bank, the spect are DC5.3±0.3V Max 1000mA. So I need from you guys male usb connector, wiring, oscillator, rectifier?, copper wire. Is there anything else i will need to complete the circuit?