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WinCC Unified gives you the edge needed for automation

Industrial automation has seen many changes over the years. More recently IoT and Industry 4.0 being the big buzzwords. But with this, we are also talking about the digitalisation of the industrial environment. Through the use of sensors, cloud and edge we are shaping this digital transformation, to provide improvements and visualisation of processes and data. Bringing this together SIMATIC WinCC Unified from Siemens offers new levels of scalability, combines the IT and the OT world, linking production data to the IT environment and backs this up with performance indicators, security and sustainability. Join us as we discover how WinCC Unified is revolutionalising the industry.

For more on WinCC Unified check out the HMI Unified Comfort Panels from RS  below.

  • SIMATIC HMI Unified Comfort Panels in our shop - RS UK or RS DE
  • SIMATIC WinCC Unified Software and Options in our shop - RS UK or RS DE

Find more from Siemens on WinCC Unified via these links

 WinCC Unified System

 Modernise now

 WinCC Unified tutorial centre

Application Examples

Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel
