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Will Generative AI give your career the edge?

You have probably read somewhere or heard people saying AI will eventually do your job and you will eventually be replaced.  Let's be clear AI is already being used, and will continue to be utilised to make things easier, faster, and more economical. To automate and to optimise are two key foundations for AI adoption. But instead of AI replacing you, it could be argued and is probably fairer to say, that you will not be replaced not by the AI itself,  but by the person who knows how to integrate AI into your role. 

So will Generative AI be good for your career development? That's the discussion we have on this Ask the Expert, join us as we explore this subject with GenAI Nerd founder Kerry Shih.

For more on GenAI Nerds check out these links, for Kerry Shih Founder of GenAI Nerds

If you are looking to get started and want to explore Generative AI, then see the featured products below.



Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel
