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Split items at angles (or prevent joining in the first place)

I have used Sketchup occasionally in the past for household projects and I wanted to try DS Mechanical to see if would be a better option.

Much of how DSM works feels quite natural, but as it's orientated towards solid (machined, cast, 3D printed) parts, sometimes it's not ideal.

Case in point- below is a simple box that will be made out of chipboard.


As you create the structure DSM automatically merges all the sides as if they were going to be extruded as a single profile, but they're not, they will be cust from separate sheets.

Ideally i'd like to have DSM NOT merge the sides wher they touch, but I haven;t worked out if that's possible yet. However now I have a single piece, what's the fastest way to split the sides at a mitred join?

In Sketchup, you can just draw a line on each face that joins the inned and outer edge where the faces touch and this automatically divides the solid in two at the new face you have created.

This doesn't work in DSM. The alternative of manually cutting all the joints seems quite laborious.

It's a little tricky to persuade DSM to create a cut plane across a plane that not either paralle or perpendicular to an existing face, and once that's done the cut plane is effectively infinite, and will cut away other parts of the model (see picture).

I'm probably making this harder than it is, what's the fastest way to make a mitred split between flat sheet faces in an object?
