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Setting up the Air Quality Kit at the RS office in Hong Kong

Air Quality Kit Installed in the Hong Kong Office

It's great to share with you that we installed the Air Quality Kit in Hong Kong Office in a while, which is an excellent device for our Hong Kong colleagues to see the air quality of our working environment.

The Environmental Protection Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has since 2003 implemented a voluntary Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places (the Certification Scheme) to encourage property owners and managers to adopt good indoor air quality (IAQ) management practices in their premises. And there are 2-level IAQ objectives (Excellent Class and Good Class) used for assessing the IAQ of premises. For our Hong Kong office, the assessment is an excellent class.

indoor air quality indicators for offices in Hong Kong

The table above is the indoor air quality indicators for offices in Hong Kong. Since the air quality kit only has the temperature, humidity, CO2, PM, and TVOC sensors. Therefore, this only covers part of the IAQ objectives for our reference.

Air Quality Kit and instructions on each module

The screenshot of the dashboard below is the data obtained after installing the Air Quality Kit in our Hong Kong office. Since our Hong Kong office uses a central air-conditioning system, we can adjust the temperature ourselves.

In the dashboard, we can see that the temperature started to decrease from 06:30 and increased from 19:30. Therefore, we estimate that the central air-conditioning system will run from 06:30 to 19:30 every Monday to Friday.

And from the CO2 data, we can know that from 06:30 to 18:00, the CO2 level will increase, so we can also estimate the Hong Kong colleagues who are mainly in the office during this time.

AQ Dashboard

According to the estimation of CO2 level changes, the time of our Hong Kong colleagues who are mainly in the office is very close to the operation time of the central air-conditioning system in our office. So, we can see that there is not much energy loss and it is environmentally friendly.

AQ Dashboard - PM values

On the other hand, according to the PM value, we can see that every Monday morning, the PM value suddenly rises. We can estimate that due to the central air conditioning system not operating on weekends, when the central air conditioning system is running again, there will be a lot of suspended particles. Also, since the central air conditioning system doesn't run on weekends. On weekends, PM levels were also higher than on weekdays.

In the end, I think the Air Quality Kit is a very interesting toolkit. It can get the real-time air quality level and estimate the reason through the change of the level. For our Hong Kong colleagues, having an air quality kit ensures that they have a good air-quality working environment.

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