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What components should I be looking for in regards to the project I'm working on to prevent pressure ulcers?


Hello, I am a third year product design student struggling with which components to get for my prototype.

My concept is to do with preventing pressure ulcers/sores by integrating pressure sensors in a silicon mold that will then be placed on the person and show where pressure builds up the most (example: a person lying down on their back for x amount of time) and it should alert the carer or guardian to reposition the person or add pressure redistribution devices to relieve pressure.

I have looked online and seem to find pressure sensors in form of strips, don't know if they are even the correct ones and I am also looking for individulal sensors that can be connected together in a way that will still map the pressure areas clearly.

Hope what I worte makes sense, as I am a little lost at the moment. Any help would be a massive help!

Thank you,
