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Rats Nest visibility, component positioning and board views.


Hello, I did some searching around and could not find any references to these questions.  I am a newbee to DesignSparkPCB but not to PC design in general. While I'm enjoying many of the features  of this program, I find the lack of some rather annoying and bottle-necking in the layout process.

I have two specific feature requests:

1. Provide the visibility of the connection rat's nesting lines to be assignable to a short cut key press.  Or optionally add a toggle to the mouse context menu.  On dense layouts these lines hamper component visibility.  I know this can be done through the Colors menu but it's relatively cumbersome.

2. Make the movements of selected components assignable to a short cut key press. For example it would be nice to assign the left-right-up-down keys to moving the selected component(s) by one grid snap setting value.  For small movements the keyboard is easier.

3. ExpressPCB Plus has the ability to flip the layout view from the front view to the back view.  I find this to be fantastic for PCBs with components on both sides. Much better than just doing it by x-ray view only.

Please advise if these capabilities are already present and I just missed them..

Thank you for your time.