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Please implement a DSM Python scripting Add-on for ~ 150 US


The full SpaceClaim is overpriced for what it does. Small shops or sole proprietors cannot afford it.

I'm looking for alternatives to single seat modeling / paperspace documents with scripting API (or C# modeling extensions.)

I'm comparing against SketchUp Pro 695 US and Rhinoceros 995 US. Both have scripting.


As of now DS Mechanical + Drawing Add-on is 540 US, but lacks scripting.


Please implement a Scripting Add-on for ~ 150 US. Any more and DS would not be competitive.

I've been involved with SketchUp API development for 10+ years and IMO it was it's API that made SketchUp spread like wildfire. I think DSM could see the same kind of growth with a better forum, better way to log feature requests, and scripting / add-ons.
