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Paint Detail

On CNC manufactured parts  I have 1 or 2 pages of drawing defining the machanical design. What I'd like to do is have a last drawing page just with paint detailing, (a second external oeration) . So on the drawing I can "shade" and then colour specific surfaces. However on some parts paint is only on part of a surface. If I  if I sketch a line to define the paint boundry  I can colorise the relevant surface however this is a line I do not want to appear on any other view. I don't fully understand that if I hide the line in in specific views in the mechnical design sheets then it seems the line is actually part of the body and the whole body is hidden, which is not what I want to do.  Anyone got any suggestions  ?  Of could I could just create another component just for the paint detail but It'd be easier to manage if there is only one component.
