I just created a simbol, I took it from the RS website but needed to change the way that the schematic was drawn. This is a 2 gate component with 6 pins 3 pins on one gate and 3 in the other. I copy the simbol to the User library and modify it. I saved the schematic and the PCB with new names on the User library. I edit schematic simbol to represent the actual component making one of the gates.
in the component library I changed the pcb simbol to the one saved and I brought up the schematic simbol that I created and told the library that where two gates.
In the library I can see the new object with the correct schematic and pcb but on the schematic that i'm working on, in the add component window nothing shows for the component that I just made. If I try to do a find component it insist in bringing the original component from the website
Is there any solution?