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IoT has infiltrated almost every aspect of modern living, from monitoring energy use in offices to tracking and assisting health improvements.

Here's a selection of devices for Industrial and Consumer Application swhich that are at various stages of development and have been produced by coroprates, startups and makers.

Industrial Applications

This section focusses on corporate products and devices which have implications in monitoring energy use in the office environment.

+ OpenEnergy Monitor - Energy Monitoring + WeMo - Smart Home Control + Digital Life - Home Security + Shutdown Scanner - Monitoring Office Equipment Energy Consumption

Open Energy Monitor


The OpenEnergyMonitor developed by Megni, is an open source energy monitoring and control system which allows the user to track their energy use in the office and turn appliances on or off. It is Arduino and Raspberry Pi compatible.



WeMo offer a variety of different kits, such as this wifi enabled device which gives the user control over their home or office appliances and electronics while they are not there: when the motion sensors detect movement the user can turn the appliance on or off once notified.

Digital Life


A smart home security and home automation package which provides 24-hour home security through AT&T owned centres. It’s connected to the AT*T 3G wireless network but available to all customers. They can operate the service in the home or manage it remotely. Digital Life is distributed by Ciso and currently selling in the US.

Shutdown Scanner


Shutdown Scanner is a new piece of software under development aimed at office managers. By downloading a simple piece of software onto a server on your network, which is always on, the user can see what devices in their local network are powered on. The data is processed in the cloud and is translated into easy to understand graphs. This allows office managers to better understand what devices are contributing to energy waste within the building and make changes as a result.

Consumer Applications

+ Goodnight Lamp - Wellbeing Monitor + Live!y - Wellbeing Monitor + Katotz - Home Gadget + Lapka Pem - Personal Environment Monitor + Wireless Scale + Spiroscout - Wellbeing - GPS tagged Asthmatic Inhaler + Sphero - Robotic Toy + Sifteo Cubes - Interactive Toy

The following products have been developed to help people interact with each other in meaningful ways whilst they are geographically distant.

Good Night Lamp


Good Night Lamp allows the consumer to keep in touch with people all over the world: The user gets a set of two lamps, a Big lamp and a Little lamp. When the Big Lamp turns on so does the little one - whoever the user has given the Little Lamp is altered to the fact the Big Lamp owner is around. There is no lengthy setup and no internet required.



Live!y is a smart monitoring and alert system for older adults. It’s activity sensors can be placed on household objects eg. medication boxes, refrigerators, and alerts other family members living elsewhere via a phone call or text if something in the usual routine changes.

How Lively Works from Lively Inc. on Vimeo.



Karotz is a multifunctional smart rabbit, it connects via the users wifi. Examples of usage: as an alarm clock, play the radio, send voice messages, email alerts, it also has a smartcam so the user can keep an eye on the home whilst they are out.

Health Monitoring

Lapka Pem

Lapka PEM is a smart personal environment monitor, which allows the user to measure, collect and analyse the hidden qualities of their surroundings: outside, inside, on a plane, and the app compares its readings average guidelines for each location.

Wireless Scale


Smart scales which accurately weigh and analyse BMI. The information is then available on the app and the user can track their weight and set goals.



Spiroscout is a device which attaches to the top of an asthmatic inhaler. It uses GPS tracking to keep a log of when the inhaler is used. The data is then uploaded to Asthmapolis’ servers to allow the user or doctor to understand where and when they get asthma attacks and also has the option to allow text alerts to remind the user if they leave their inhaler behind.



Sphero is a small robotic ball from Orbotix; the user controls using their smartphone or tablet. It can be used as a learning aid, a pet toy and for recreation. Features include; colour control, spinning control and speed control.

Sifteo Cubes

Sifteo Cubes are an interactive gaming platform. They are motion aware blocks which show full colour and have clickable screens. They allow the user to interact with other users and respond to being placed adjacent to one another.

Is that it?

There are many more companies developing products in this space, so keep an eye on communities like Postscapes for more.

Related Articles

+ The Internet of Things - What is it?

+ IOT - Connecting Things

+ Good Practice around IOT




London-based internet of things consultant with an industrial and interaction design background. Founder of the Good Night Lamp. Curator of the London Internet of Things Meetup since 2011. Writing a book about Smart Homes for Apress.