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Detecting a basketball shot



I'm trying to create a system to detect when a basketball passes through a hoop. I've been looking at a range of different sensors but unsure which one would be the best. It seems that Ultrasonic sensors seem quite robust and the industrial type barrels look pretty sturdy, however I'm unsure if it's exactly what I need. 

I also need to access this from a computer as I'm trying to create a score mechanic on a PC, so effetively I just need a reliable boolean event signal when a shot occurs. I'm aware that I could wwrite this interface on a Arduino, however I kinda want something fairly battle tested and in a good piece of housing. I'm concious that a basketball hoop will be battered around a bit, so theres that to consider.

Anyway, I wanted to know if an Ultrasonic sensor is the way to go, and what else might be available off-the-shelf that can just plug-n-play and give me a USB, or even some sort of wireless zigbee signal when a shot occured. Main things are a reliable signal, and something failry sturdy and robust.

Any pointers would be much appreciated! Thanks all