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HARTING Han ES Press Series multifunctional connectors

Like the Han E Series? Then you’ll love HARTING’s Han ES Press series, with multifunctional, rapid termination connectors that don’t require any tools.

Han ES Press Plug In Jumper

Plug-in jumper technology is used to achieve rapid termination and using this method cuts a substantial amount of time from the assembly process – as much as 50%. Based on cage clamp technology, conductor termination is faster and offers vibration-free assembly. Connectors can be pushed in contact cavities and closed really easily as the series employs ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) capabilities.

Han ES Press Connector Insert

Multiple contacts can be bridged directly at the connector using plug-in jumpers from the Han ES Press series, allowing for fast
reconfiguration and bridging. The series features an integrated opening for measuring probes, where required, and will last for a minimum of 500 mating cycles. Contact variations are available in 6, 10, 16 and 24 and with current ratings of up to 16A at 500V, the Han ES Press series offers a complete termination solution suitable for a number of applications, including energy, automation, robotics and transportation.

The series is available in blue, black and red and is plug-compatible with the following series’ from HARTING: HAN E, ES and ESS.



DesignSpark Community Manager and all-around geek girl.
