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FemEng Lab Episode 4: The Oscilloscope Probe


Welcome back to our 4th episode of the FemEng Lab, where we are going to continue talking about the oscilloscope.

We will go through some aspects we didn’t explain in the last video, such as how to use the probe to compare the output of the circuit to the input. So this time, we will be using the oscilloscope to compare two signals in different channels.

Next week’s video is our final episode from the FemEng Lab series, and I will explain a very basic but very important circuit: the voltage divider. It will be released next Monday, so be sure to follow us on all of our social media, here is our Linktree!

Natalia Ibagon (she/her) 
4th Year Biomedical Engineering

Series Contents:

FemEng Lab Introduction

FemEng Lab Episode 1 - The Breadboard

FemEng Lab Episode 2 - The Multimeter

FemEng Lab Episode 3 - The Oscilloscope and Function generator

FemEng Lab Episode 4 - The Oscilloscope Probe

FemEng Lab Episode 5 - The Voltage Divider Circuit

FemEng is a student network at University of Glasgow that aims to Empower Women in Engineering. ​ The group has a number of focuses including outreach work with schools, networking events with industry professionals, social activities, workshops and international collaborations.
