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How to change the gate ID, in the schematic, in a multigate componente already in place?

Dias Rebelo

When a component is placed in the schematic, the software will automatically refer the component, with it´s reference letter and a number, sequencially. If the component has several gates (for instance a 74HCT00), the software also put the gate name (for instance: IC1a). If I continue to place more gates it will increase the gate name automatically (IC1b, IC1c...), till the last gate available per component. This is ok! But if I place the gates seperately, i.e., pressing ESC every time I place another component of same type, the software will automaticly incremente de componente reference ID, starting from first gate again (IC2a, IC2b...). If, aftwards, I decide to change the second gate, to reference it as gate b of componetne IC1, it will prompt a message saing that the component already exists.

Is there a way to workarround that?

